Durban and its surrounding areas is a veritable treasure trove of wonderful markets. I’ve even started posting a monthly market calendar, the February one can be found here,
Soon to be added to that calendar is the Made Local Market at the Kloof Civic Hall. The organiser, Teri Breytenbach, identified a market absence in her area and decided to “..start a new market to sell my handmade things at whilst giving others the opportunity to do the same.”
As a stall-holder herself, she wanted to start up a venue closer to home, one that features handmade and locally sourced goods and produce.
The first market day will be on Sunday, the 9th of March. This market and others will be featured in the next CuiZine Market Calendar that will go up next week so keep an eye out!
need more info to start have a stall at ur site…. pls send me ur contact details