Every year Suncoast Casino sets up their iconic pop-up beach-side SUNCafe lounge out on the lush Casino lawns, just by one of Durbs' best swimming spots. No ocean-facing holiday is...
Here it is, folks! Almost every market in Durban and surrounds, from Umhlanga to PMB and even the midlands! Click to enlarge. Please note: I am not in any way...
A real varied bunch of events are happening in Durban this weekend. We start off with tonight, there's the following: Umhlanga's first night market kicks off tonight. It's from 6pm-ish...
It's the best day of the week and the best post of the week! Here's a lineup of all the awesomeness happening in this equally awesome town: Markets Saturday: Essenwood...
Every Friday I list all the events happening in Durbs for the weekend. This weekend I've compiled a special list for the Durban July after parties as there are just...
Compared to last weekend, this one is quite calmer. I think the city is still recovering from the epic weekend of last, and presumably with some vestiges of a hangover....
I hit up this awesome, quirky little market on Saturday, along with what felt like most of Durban and half of the rest of South Africa. The tents and stands...
We arrived at this event dressed vaguely formally, about as formal as one usually gets in Durbs (slops swapped out for closed shoes). We had a debate about sneakers. As...
The first KickstArt production I had the pleasure of watching was 2005's Dracula in the unassuming KwaSuka Theatre. It was the seemingly-impossible and exceptionally clever use of such a small...